
Kevin’s Pub Auckland would have a full-service restaurant, just so people could drink early on Sundays. We don’t expect to ever serve any food.

On my first business trip to Australia, we went to New Zealand as well to help justify the costs of flying that far from Dallas. I was in a pub in Sydney and asked for a pint, and the bartender said, “You must have intention of eating.” So, I grabbed the menu, ordered some cheap appetizers and had my pint.

A week later, we were in Auckland, and went into a pub. I ordered a pint, and the bartender said, “You must have intention of eating.” What is it with these people? So, I asked for a menu.

The bartender looked at me with pity, and said, “No. You must have intention of eating.” Ahhh. “Of course, we have intention of eating. Just having a drink first.”

Drinks served. Kitchen not required.

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